
Improve inward flow of materials

Work in Process
Streamline and automate production for superior work control

QodeNext's Work in Process allows you to manage the movement of spares and components at each manufacturing stage throughout the facility. The solution tracks, collects, and aggregates the required details as the item moves from raw materials to intermediate stages to finished goods, allowing for higher quality assurances and increased productivity of finished goods.


In the manufacturing process it is important to track spare parts, components and raw material at the time of manufacturing process on the line. This increases accountability in operations from Shop Floor associates to vendors and overall improves Quality. It enables backtracking incase of non conformity and increases customer satisfaction.

In the manufacturing stage, delays in production, manual errors and incorrect tagging can have a direct bearing on the financial performance of the company.

  • Inability to accurately monitor and track the movement of material on production lines, resulting in no back traceability
  • Reduced productivity due to out-of-stock inventory
  • High idle-time between assembly stages and unorganised processes
  • High number of finished good rejections due to inability to properly detect defective parts during assembly
  • Financial loss, recalls and image dilution caused by sub-standard products entering market
  • Occurrence of errors due the manual processes
  • Ineffective QC and rejection monitoring and inability to hold substandard vendors responsible
  • Low visibility of production time and location of material on assembly line
Real-time accuracy of raw material, production flows and finished goods
  • Code each unit: The solution equips each child unit with UID barcodes and the data is maintained in your ERP
  • Data Updates: The data is transmitted in real-time using a wireless network
  • Track movement at each step: At each stage of the assembly line, the item code is scanned using barcode scanner and the data is recorded
  • Validation of part: The scan is cross checked with the required part barcode to make sure the right part in going into the work operations
  • Quality assurance: Before and after each stage, vision sensors can be added to validate the product attributes
  • Data Aggregation: As multiple child parts combine to become a parent part, the data is aggregated and updated in the system
  • Track movement along the assembly line: As the item moves across the line, the data is scanned at each step from fabrication, manufacturing, finished goods to processing to create its digital footprints
  • Visibility: Valuable information pertaining to the wip, finished goods, stages can be monitored centrally across multiple locations
The comprehensive solution facilitates the following processes
  • Accurate implementation of required process flow.
  • Easy & Efficient user management.
  • Integration with major 3rd party software.
  • Completely hardware agnostic.
  • Generation of reports based on Data collected.
  • Validation of raw materials & finished goods.

Real-time dashboard

  • Enable component planning
  • Rule based quality checks
  • Alert generation
  • Parent-child data aggregation
  • Real-time ERP updates
Cloud based or on premise, it runs on all devices in the cloud or on your premises. It’s powered by the cloud-based MCL™ Mobility platform, so you can manage mobile devices centrally.


The modular and hardware independent structure makes it seamless to implement


The software can be hosted locally in the facility, at a remote data center or on the Cloud.


  • Barcode
  • RFID


  • Printer
  • Handheld Scanner/
    Mobile Computer
  • Wi-Fi
  • Fixed Mount
  • DPM
  • Vision System
  • Wireless


QodeNext solutions run on most of the global leading hardware devices. We partner with global hardware manufacturers like Zebra, Cognex, Sato, Datalogic to create an open technology platform to allow you maximise your existing infrastructure.
Book an appointment with our specialists today to implement the best solution for your business requirements.

Ensure accuracy and visibility of your production environment
  • Automatic detection and alert generation of incorrect and defective parts and final products
  • Maintain digital footprint of material flow through the entire production process from raw materials to packing, enabling end-to-end traceability
  • Map parent-child mapping - linking raw material to components to finished goods ensuring accurate manufacturing and traceability across all levels
  • Real-time visualisation on orders, inventory, production processes and labor
  • Increase production uptime, output and on-time dispatch
  • Greater accountability and quality checks on assembly line, vendors, personnel in case of production issues
  • Improve processes and planning using detailed analytics
  • Ensure sequential correct process flow and integration of multiple assembly lines