
Improve inward flow of materials

Vendor Management
Implement Transparency and Back Traceability within your Vendor Network

QodeNext's Vendor Management is a web based module that brings all your vendors, partners and suppliers on same platform. It leverages the capabilities of your vendors through our intelligent vendor governance structures to provide complete visualization on contracts, performance, on time delivery, quality assurance and risk management


Most companies work with a complex network of independent vendors, partners and third parties for a range of outsourced operations. Manual management of these vendors can be time consuming and results in lack in transparency and increased business risk.

  • Limited visibility of vendor ecosystem
  • Delivery delays of components and stock replenishments due to lack of planning
  • Ineffective detection of defective, faulty and counterfeit components from vendors
  • Large number of batch recalls leading to negative brand publicity
  • Absence of end to end tracking mechanism making back traceability difficult during recall
  • Lack of vendor performance monitoring and analytics
  • Delay in communication cycle time
  • Production delays due to unavailability of raw materials
  • Inability to manage flexible demands
Real-time visibility and accuracy of your vendors, orders and deliveries
  • Integration of Vendor MIS: The network of vendors is provided with a customised plugin to allow real time transfer of information
  • Real-time Order Processing: Based on rule sets or manual process, a PO is digitally sent to the vendor to supply stock against requirement
  • Barcode Printing: Along with the invoice, a barcode which corresponds to the material request
  • Order Fulfillment: Once the order is fulfilled, the vendor attaches the barcode on the packaging to tag the material
  • Receive Material: On arrival of material at site, the barcode is scanned for automated GRN and entry into the ERP
  • Validation: Once in the warehouse or production line, the material is scanned to be validated and ensure quality checks
The comprehensive solution facilitates the following processes
  • Rule based order processing
  • Automatic GRN
  • Real-time ERP updates
  • Serialisation starts from vendor end
  • Order visibility to vendors
  • Cost savings at warehouse
Cloud based or on premise, it runs on all devices in the cloud or on your premises. It’s powered by the cloud-based MCL™ Mobility platform, so you can manage mobile devices centrally.


The modular and hardware independent structure makes it seamless to implement


The software can be hosted locally in the facility, at a remote data center or on the Cloud.


  • Barcode
  • RFID


  • Printer
  • Handheld Scanner/
    Mobile Computer


QodeNext solutions run on most of the global leading hardware devices. We partner with global hardware manufacturers like Zebra, Cognex, Sato, Datalogic to create an open technology platform to allow you maximise your existing infrastructure.
Book an appointment with our specialists today to implement the best solution for your business requirements.

Ensure accuracy and visibility of your vendor environment

With QodeNext you will be able to:

  • Create POs (based on predetermined rule set) to ensure timely replenishment of parts
  • Integrate quality checks on vendor components and have visibility on faulty components and take vendors to task
  • Provide real-time vendor performance data for analytics on performance, delivery, quality of the material, thereby enabling data driven decision making
  • Generate Advance Shipping Note to reduce the gate entry time and automatically updated inventory into ERP in real time
  • Reduce recall operations based on strict quality checks to reject faulty and substandard materials before production
  • Mitigate third party risk with complete traceability and identify the exact risk to prevent regulatory impact, revenue hits, and reputational damage.
  • Optimize speed to market
  • React quickly to incidents with available audit trail