
Truck Management
Enhance vehicle visibility and movement

QodeNext's Truck Management System is a RFID/ BLE based module to manage and control vehicle movements across your facilities. The solution monitors, schedules and tracks the movement of trucks from gate, to weighing bridges, to parking to bays using Just-in-time principle to increase the accuracy of delivery locations and timing


Large enterprises have a large number of trucks entering their premises on a daily basis. The manual verification, monitoring and sequencing of these trucks becomes times consuming and inefficient process

  • Minimal truck processing window
  • Unproductive hours wasted within the premises
  • Lack of situational awareness for truck drivers
  • Limited truck visibility inside plant
  • Lack of Visibility of Dock and Bay availability
  • Occurrence of bottlenecks at gates, bays leading to delays
  • Lengthy paperwork/ documentation - unproductive
  • Unorganized time frame for loading & unloading.
Real-time accuracy of truck entry, movement, sequencing and exit
  • Security at gate: The premise gate is manned by a security guard who validated the truck number and driver ID from the system for company owned truck or completes the registration for independent cars and provided RFID tags.
  • Code each truck: The solution equips each truck with a permanent RFID tag
  • Truck Entry: An RFID antenna is placed near the gate. As the truck moves in, its RFID tag is read and logged
    Boom barrier traffic lights are activated upon validation
  • Truck Weight: A weigh bridge module can be placed to measure load weight and tier weight at entry and exit
  • Data Updates: The data is transmitted in real-time using a LAN network
  • Parking: If the bays are unavailable, the truck is assigned to the parking area
  • Bay Allocation: If the bay for loading/ unloading is free, the truck driver is allocated a bay number
  • Automate Data Entry: Each driver can be given an Advanced Shipping Note with the material information. On scanning, this material is automatically uploaded into the ERP.
  • Track Bay Timing: As the truck approaches the bay, there is an RFID antenna at the bay that monitors the timing. If the truck passes the time limit, an alarm is sounded.
  • Truck Exit: Once the onloading/ offloading of material is completed, the truck passes through the exit gate where RFID tag is read and the trucks movement logged.
The comprehensive solution facilitates the following processes
  • Realtime ERP updation
  • Boom barrier and traffic lights
  • weighing scales
  • Dashboard and real-time monitoring
  • Automatic bay allotment based on flexible logic
  • Driver restroom module with LED display and integration with automated PA system


The modular and hardware independent structure makes it seamless to implement.


The software can be hosted locally in the facility, at a remote data center or on the Cloud.


  • RFID


  • RFID Tags
  • Fixed RFID Reader
  • Boom Barrier
  • LED Display
  • LFD Display
  • PA Systems
  • Weigh Bridge


QodeNext solutions run on most of the global leading hardware devices. We partner with global hardware manufacturers like Zebra, Cognex, Sato, Datalogic to create an open technology platform to allow you maximise your existing infrastructure.
Book an appointment with our specialists today to implement the best solution for your business requirements.

Ensure accuracy and visibility of the trucks entering your premises

With QodeNext you will be able to:

  • Automate truck check-in process to minimize bottlenecks at gates
  • Sequence and optimise the movement of trucks to improve bay scheduling
  • Enhance visibility of truck movement within the premises
  • Maximise throughput capacity of trucks in a day to increase productivity of production, dispatch and shipment
  • Reduce rental costs by improving truck turnaround time
  • Decrease pilferage due to the cross-verification of the weighbridge