
Improve warehouse operational efficiency, inventory accuracy and order fulfillment

Inventory & Replenishment
Maintain optimal physical stock of products to
maximize production uptime

QodeNext's Inventory Management allows seamless management of inventory across all your operating locations through scheduled cycled counts, improved turnover and reduced deadstock. The software integrates with your ERP to get dynamic information on stock levels and uses a predetermined rule set to maximise stock usage, replenish low stock, reduce overstocks to maintain daily operations.


Your warehouses contain thousands of SKUs and the process to manual identify, track conduct cycle counting, and stock reconciliation is tedious, time consuming and prone to human errors. Mismanagement of inventory can result in high holding and storage costs, excessive safety stock, unused expired stock, etc.

  • Disproportionate labor hours spent on stock reconciliation and cycle count
  • Low centralised visibility on stock levels and inability to accurately track stock across multiple locations
  • Wastage due to overstocking and inefficient inventory due to inability to manually implement principles like FIFO, JIT etc
  • High number of stock outs leading to reduction in production output
  • Stock discrepancies based on actuals and ERP due to manual errors and time lags
  • Loss due to pilferage and improper logging
Streamline cycle counts and re-stocking
  • Code Each Unit: The solution equips each unit with UID barcodes and the data is maintained in your ERP.
  • Track movement of inventory: Using a barcode scanner, the movement of stock inward and outward is tracked
  • Data Updates: The data is transmitted in real-time using a wireless network
  • Cycle Counts: Intelligent cycle counts based on manufacturing principles to maintain essential stock levels, reduce overstocking and push expiring items
  • Visibility: Stock can be monitored centrally across multiple locations, allowing for movement across locations as well
The seamless solution facilitates the following processes
  • Directed and blind
  • Automatic ERP updation
  • Intelligent cycle counts
  • Stock audits
  • threshold alert
  • Customise preferred vendors for each SKU
  • Push of expiring stock
  • Inter-location stock movement
  • Real-time inventory reports
  • Multi facility


The solution is very intuitive and lets your employees manage inventory accurately


The software can be hosted locally in the facility, at a remote data center or on the Cloud.


  • Barcode
  • RFID


  • Printer
  • Handheld Scanner/
    Mobile Computer
  • Wi-Fi
  • Wireless


QodeNext solutions run on most of the global leading hardware devices. We partner with global hardware manufacturers like Zebra, Cognex, Sato, Datalogic to create an open technology platform to allow you maximise your existing infrastructure.
Book an appointment with our specialists today to implement the best solution for your business requirements.

Ensure accuracy and visibility of your inventory

With QodeNext you will be able to:

  • Maintain real-time data in ERP across all locations and get detailed product digital footprint for quality assurance monitoring
  • Organise inventory across SKUs and product classifications for data driven decisions
  • Efficient cycle counts to track depletion of materials
  • System directed stock adjustments and replenishment of essential stock to allow for on-time demand
  • Implement manufacturing principles like FIFO to reduce wastages
  • Seamless movement of stock across locations through centralised visibility
  • Optimise business planning and processes through accurate data analysis of itemized stock by SKU