
Map serialised items across your entire supply chain

Customer Loyalty
To efficiently track, monitor and satisfy valued consumers and build brand loyalty

QodeNext's Loyalty Program is a comprehensive loyalty program based on our serialisation algorithm to company retain and satisfy their existing consumers and channel partners. The solution offers an additional functionality that manages reward points and interfaces with gift management companies to redeem your reward points. Further, the solution provides data and advanced consumer analytics for targeted marketing and business strategies.


Loyal consumers and partners are critical for a brand's success and long term growth. Repeat business from customers results in higher margins and stable cash flows

  • Difficulty to retain existing customers
  • High marketing cost of customer acquisition
  • Lack of visibility on customer preferences and behaviour
  • Ineffective marketing and business strategies

Identify to who the product has been sold & by whom it has been sold. The details of both the customer and the influencer who sold the product can be captured by simply scanning the product barcode and mapping them with the parties involved. These captured details can be converted into MIS reports allowing you to pick out your loyal customers and high performing influencers.

QodeNext software allows you to keep a track of which product has been sold to which customer and in what quantity. Data capturing and gathering using barcode technology will enable you to study and analyse the consumer buying behaviour.


  • On demand cloud solution
  • Integrate with courier companies
  • Gift integration
  • Dynamic market place for redemption
  • Flexible points engine
  • Seamless fullfillment

  • Recognise your loyal customers and best influencers
  • Study influencer performance and reward benefits.
  • Make educated choices by studying consumer buying behaviour