
Map serialised items across your entire supply chain

Brand Protection
Enhance your brand protection and prevent counterfeit

QodeNext's Brand Protection software uses our proprietary UID Serialization algorithm to authenticate the legitimacy of every sale unit on field and across the supply chain in a real-time basis. This will protect your brand, identify counterfeits and guarantee customer safety. Furthermore, our UID alogorithm provides greater traceability and transparency from manufacturing to distribution. This enables our customers to generate relevant data to conduct market intelligence analytics.


Today, more than 50% of customer purchase or consume counterfeit products at least once in their lifetime. The increasing threat of counterfeit activity is a critical challenge faced by companies, regulatory bodies and countries.The potential fallout includes customer safety and trust, regulatory problems, and financial losses.

While brand protection technologies exist in the market like holograms, intaglio, microtext, watermark, they cannot uniquely identify and authenticate each sales unit individually. The challenge lies is the inability to correct identify, pinpoint and counteract the counterfeiting.

  • Difficulty in differentiating between counterfeit & authentic products
  • Loss of brand image and trust due to high concentration of counterfeit products
  • Loss of revenue from the competition sale of counterfeit products to established brands
  • Legal liability if unable to prove counterfeit
Real-time accuracy of product identification and authentication
The comprehensive solution facilitates the following processes
  • Available on cloud
  • On demand reports
  • Complete serialisation
  • Available on all major platforms
  • Quick implementation


The modular and hardware independent structure makes it seamless to implement


The software can be hosted locally in the facility, at a remote data center or on the Cloud.


  • Barcode
  • RFID
  • Vision
  • Wireless


  • Printer
  • Scanner/
  • Vision
  • Wireless


QodeNext solutions run on most of the global leading hardware devices like Zebra, Honeywell, Intermec, SATO, Domino, Videojet, Imaje etc.
Book an appointment with our specialists today to implement the best solution for your business requirements.

Ensure brand protection

With QodeNext you will be able to:

  • Enable product identification and authentication in a real time basis
  • Provide consumers with the tools to verify online or via app
  • Generate alerts if high concentration of counterfeits found
  • Take corrective or counteractive measures to stop counterfeit