Multi-Level Aggregation

Implement Product Aggregation and Mapping

QodeNext's Aggregation software is our proprietory engine to aggregate smaller units of SKU into larger units generally known as parent child mapping. This is essential for effective serializations and traceability solutions.

To aid aggregate production packaging to higher levels for Parent-Child mapping by using serialization.


In assembly production line operations, companies need to track the digital footsteps of every product. To make their logistics serialisation compliant with customer expectations of mass customisation, increased product variants and on-demand manufacturing, it becomes increasingly difficult to mark and serialise the products efficiently without impacting production speed.

  • To map primary units to secondary, secondary units to tertiary/ paletts and so on
  • Make logistics serialization compliant
  • To achieve aggregation without losing productivity
Real-time accuracy of multi-level aggregation and mapping at ultra high speeds
The comprehensive solution facilitates the following processes:
  • Parent-Child Aggregation
  • Real-time Database update
  • Topology update
  • Cloud enabled
  • On demand reports
  • Integration with robotics
  • Random unique number generation for parent level packaging


The modular and hardware independent structure makes it seamless to implement.


The software can be hosted locally in the facility, at a remote data center or on the Cloud.


  • Barcode


  • Handheld Scanner/
    Mobile Computer
  • Vision Systems,
  • PLC
  • Rejection


QodeNext solutions run on most of the global leading hardware devices. We partner with global hardware manufacturers like Zebra, Cognex, Sato, Datalogic to create an open technology platform to allow you maximise your existing infrastructure.
Book an appointment with our specialists today to implement the best solution for your business requirements.

Ensure accuracy of your production and packaging environment

With QodeNext you will be able to:

  • Increase product output by minimizing and continuously controlling product anomalies earlier in the manufacturing process
  • Reduce recall and warranty claims by minimizing substandard product dispatch
  • Enhance brand image by maintaining higher statistical confidence in product reliability and reproducibility
  • Reduce manual and human intervention
  • Efficiently make supplier based lot-acceptance decisions based on statistical analysis of rejection data