
Ensure product authentication & verification with parent child aggregation

Vendor End

Create digital footprint from component level

  • Integrate vendor system to enable advance PO requests, improved vendor production plan and faster delivery
  • Data analytics to study vendor performance matrices


Track and aggregate work in process

  • Randomized implement traceability to meet strict quality standards and compliance
  • Efficiently map various packaging levels and upload this information to the Drug Authentication and verification (DAVA) portal
  • Create digital record and custody chain of packaging to increase transparency & tackle counterfeits


Ensure on-time dispatch

  • Automate GRN, inward, outward and dispatch movement to increase efficiency and reduce errors
  • Manage putaway, order picking, kitting, cubing for faster operations
  • Optimise inventory to reduce wastage of expired product
  • Increase utilization workforce through intelligent job allocation


Deliver on time everytime

  • Minimise bottlenecks at yard, docking stations and gates through intelligent scheduling
  • Enable faster delivery and order fulfillment
  • Improve driver turnaround time for faster transit
  • Reduce paperwork and manual operations


Increase customer satisfaction

  • Monitor and counter anti counterfeit products Get real-time data to improve quality and marketing strategy


Implement complete business transparency

  • Outline the requirements for a track and trace system that enables traceability of exported pharmaceutical consignments
  • Identify and isolate root cause of contaminiated product and prevent future production and consumption
  • Target contaminated problems out in distribution to minimize loss and disruption