
Implement End-to-End Traceability from Vendor to End-Customer


Name Ensure component level traceability and manage third party risk
Description The task of manually managing and monitoring all the third party suppliers and vendors is extremely time-intensive and more importantly poses a huge risk with recalls and component inconsistencies being so frequent, effective visibility of vendors and suppliers has become a business priority.
Detail QodeNext provides complete visualization on supplier ecosystem, while keeping inventory low, flagging and escalating delays and facilitating traceability.


Name Maximise Production Uptime through the Assembly Line
Description With the magnitude and complexity of components, auto companies face a myriad of challenges to maintain validation and quality control of components.
Detail QodeNext aims to tackle the major challenge of Faulty components going into manufacturing. The software allows for the validation and aggregation of each component going into the final product.. The solution will also be capable of Intelligent alert generation, this efficiently ensures that substandard parts don’t go into manufacturing, thereby reducing the chances of recalls and enhancing brand image.


Name Improve Warehouse Operational Efficiency
Description With the onset of GST and rapid growth, companies have the potential and the competitive imperativeness to increase the velocity of their warehouse management, bolster the traceability and security of their goods and grow the business on a global scale.
Detail QodeNext provides complete visualization on the warehousing ecosystem, from inward, internal and outward movement of the goods. Additionally, the software allows efficient picking, kitting, cubing modules to further enhance the functioning of the warehouse.


Name Implement Just-In-Time Inventory utilization to optimise production planning
Description At the time of production and procurement, inventory visibility will play a key role in value supply chain management and lean manufacturing.


Name Optimise spare part storage & utilization
Description During on-demand manufacturing, it is important to have complete visualisation of the spare parts and components to to ensure seamless production.


Name Improve accuracy & timely dispatch of Raw Materials & Finished Goods
Description Barcoding & sensing software also ensure quick and easy process of material inwards & dispatch. At the time of dispatch, part/batch barcodes be scanned which significantly reduces the chances of wrong dispatch of materials
Detail Using Inventory and location barcodes companies can link a batch of parts with a location. This prevents mix-up or misplacement of parts. Also, this can be used to keep track quantity of components stored at a location. This provides for efficient space management.


Name Maintain Ontime and On Track movement at Entry & Exit Gates
Description In case of Electronic companies, there are frequent entry & exit of trucks in the warehouse & plant premises. As companies follow a manual entry and exit process, they usually face a challenge of trucks queuing outside the gates for long hours. Queuing of trucks not just slows down the order fulfillment process but also adds to cost of truck management.
Detail Auto Companies can eliminate queuing of trucks outside the plant & warehouse premises using Barcoding & RFID based solutions. Implementing this solution ensures the truck barcodes are read by the RFID readers on entry and exit into plant premises, thereby eliminating queuing. This also ensures that accurate truck details are captured, reducing the occurrence of manual errors. The barcodes attached to the trucks can be read at each bay giving Automobile companies real time visibility of bay status.


Name Manage product recalls to prevent negative brand publicity
Description "In case of Electronic OEMs, recalls occurring due to faulty components is a burden. This is not just detrimental to the OEMs brand image but also a major cost to the company. Vehicle manufacturers strive to avoid recalls. In the event of a recall it is beneficial for the OEMs to track the vendor and batch of components.
Faulty parts today in a major issue leading to recalls. Recalls are not just a cost to the company, but also cause long term damage to brand image.


Name Effectively validate & manage warranty claims
Description "For Electronic OEMs tackling the counterfeit/fake product market has been a big challenge. Counterfeit products are frequently in the sold unorganized market. Companies face this challenge not just in case of components/ parts but also in case of accessories.
Electronic companies face a challenge of checking warranty of parts in case of failure. As there are multiple components with different warranty periods, warranty tracking is a major challenge. This challenge is also faced in case of accessories.
Detail Equipping the Auto Components/ Accessories with UID barcodes will enable companies to accurately check if the component is in warranty period at the time of claim. Barcoding thus acts as an effective countermeasure to fraudulent warranty claims.


Name Enhance manpower productivity


Name Comply with all Government & Global Compliances
Description For car manufacturing companies it crucial to adhere to stringent quality standards.